For most files, a table of variables will display below, with links to the variable definitions. If no table displays, or if you need additional information for a specific variable, please see the CCW website. Data documentation is available for all files and codebooks for many.

If you are unable to locate the information you need, please contact ResDAC.

SAS Name Variable Name
BENE_ID Encrypted CCW Beneficiary Identifier
MSIS_ID Encrypted Medicaid State Assigned Beneficiary Unique Identifier
AHC data system/CCW (derived) Submitting State Alpha Abbreviation
MSIS_RFRNC_YR Medicaid Beneficiary Identifier Reference Year
BENE_STATE_CD Beneficiary State
BENE_ZIP_CD Beneficiary Zip Code
BENE_BIRTH_DT Beneficiary Birth Date
BENE_AGE_NUM Beneficiary Age at Screening
BENE_GNDR_CD Beneficiary Sex
BENE_RACE_ETHNCTY_CD Beneficiary Race and Ethnicity
BENE_PREFRD_LANG_TXT Beneficiary Preferred Language
BENE_EDCTN_CD Beneficiary Education
BENE_INCM_RNG_CD Beneficiary Income
BENE_INSRNC_TYPE_CD Beneficiary Payer Type
AHC_BRDG_ORG_ID AHC Bridge Organization Identifier
AHC_BRDG_ORG_STATE_CD AHC Bridge Organization State
AHC_TRK_CD AHC Assistance or Alignment Track
AHC_BENE_ID AHC Beneficiary Identifier
SR_SCRNG_ID Screening Identifier
SR_SCRNG_DT Screening Date
SR_SCRNG_BEFORE_DRNG_AFTR_CD Did Screening Occur Before, During, or After the Visit
SR_CORE_FOOD_1_CD Core HRSN Food 1: Worried Food Would Run Out Before Got Money for More
SR_CORE_FOOD_2_CD Core HRSN Food 2: Food Bought Didn't Last and Didn't Have Money to Get More
SR_CORE_FOOD_OVRL_SCRNG_IND Screened Core HRSN Food Overall Indicator
SR_CORE_HOUSNG_1_CD Core HRSN Housing 1: Current Living Situation
SR_CORE_HOUSNG_2_HEAT_SW Core HRSN Housing 2: Heat Inadequate
SR_CORE_HOUSNG_2_LEAD_SW Core HRSN Housing 2: Lead Paint Pipes
SR_CORE_HOUSNG_2_MOLD_SW Core HRSN Housing 2: Mold
SR_CORE_HOUSNG_2_OVEN_SW Core HRSN Housing 2: Oven not Working
SR_CORE_HOUSNG_2_PESTS_SW Core HRSN Housing 2: Pests
SR_CORE_HOUSNG_2_SMK_DTCTR_SW Core HRSN Housing 2: Smoke Detector not Working
SR_CORE_HOUSNG_2_WTR_LEAK_SW Core HRSN Housing 2: Water Leaks
SR_CORE_HOUSNG_2_PRBLM_CNT Core HRSN Housing 2: Number of Problems
SR_CORE_HOUSNG_2_SCRNG_CMPST_IND Core HRSN Housing 2: Problems Composite
SR_CORE_HOUSNG_OVRL_SCRNG_IND Screened Core HRSN Housing Overall Indicator
SR_CORE_SFTY_1_CD Core HRSN Safety 1: How Often Physically Hurt
SR_CORE_SFTY_2_CD Core HRSN Safety 2: How Often Insulted
SR_CORE_SFTY_3_CD Core HRSN Safety 3: How Often Threatened
SR_CORE_SFTY_4_CD Core HRSN Safety 4: How Often Screamed or Cursed At
SR_CORE_SFTY_OVRL_SCRNG_IND Screened Core HRSN Safety Overall Indicator
SR_CORE_TRNSPRTN_1_SW Core HRSN Transportation 1: Lack of Reliable Transportation
SR_CORE_TRNSPRTN_OVRL_SCRNG_IND Screened Core HRSN Transportation Overall Indicator
SR_CORE_UTILITIES_1_CD Core HRSN Utility 1: Utility Company Threatened to Shut Off Services to Home
SR_CORE_UTLTY_OVRL_SCRNG_IND Screened Core HRSN Utilities Overall Indicator
SR_SPLMTL_DSBLTS_1_SW Supplemental HRSN Disability 1: Serious Difficulty Concentrating, Remembering, or Making Decisions
SR_SPLMTL_DSBLTS_2_SW Supplemental HRSN Disabilities 2: Difficulty Doing Errands Alone
SR_SPLMTL_DSBLTS_OVRL_SCRNG_IND Screened Supplemental HRSN Disabilities Overall Indicator
SR_SPLMTL_EDCTN_1_SW Supplemental HRSN Education 1: Speak a Language Other Than English at Home
SR_SPLMTL_EDCTN_2_SW Supplemental HRSN Education 2: Want Help with School or Training
SR_SPLMTL_EDCTN_OVRL_SCRNG_IND Screened Supplemental HRSN Education Overall Indicator
SR_SPLMTL_EMPLYMT_1_CD Supplemental HRSN Employment 1: Want Help Finding or Keeping Job
SR_SPLMTL_EMPLYMT_OVRL_SCRN_IND Screened Supplemental HRSN Employment Overall Indicator
SR_SPLMTL_FMLY_CMNTY_SPRT_1_CD Supplemental HRSN Family and Community Support 1: Get Help with Day-to-Day Activities
SR_SPLMTL_FMLY_CMNTY_SPRT_2_CD Supplemental HRSN Family and Community Support 2: How Often Feel Lonely or Isolated
SR_SPLM_FMLY_CMNTY_OVRL_SCRN_IND Screened Supplemental HRSN Family and Community Support Overall Indicator
SR_SPLMTL_FINCL_1_CD Supplemental HRSN Financial Strain 1: How Hard to Pay for Basics
SR_SPLMTL_FINCL_OVRL_SCRNG_IND Screened Supplemental HRSN Financial Strain Overall Indicator
SR_SPLMTL_MH_1_CD Supplemental HRSN Mental Health 1: Little Interest or Pleasure in Things
SR_SPLMTL_MH_2_CD Supplemental HRSN Mental Health 2: Feeling Down, Depressed, or Hopeless
SR_SPLMTL_MH_1_2_SUM Supplemental HRSN Mental Health Sum of SR_SPLMTL_MH_1_CD and SR_SPLMTL_MH_2_CD
SR_SPLMTL_MH_3_CD Supplemental HRSN Mental Health 3: Feel Tense, Restless, Anxious, Sleepless, Troubled
SR_SPLMTL_MH_OVRL_SCRNG_IND Screened Supplemental HRSN Mental Health Overall Indicator
SR_SPLMTL_PHYS_ACTVTY_1_CD Supplemental HRSN Physical Activity 1: Number of Days Moderate Exercise
SR_SPLMTL_PHYS_ACTVTY_2_CD Supplemental HRSN Physical Activity 2: Number Minutes of Moderate Exercise
SR_SPLMTL_PHYS_ACTVTY_1_2_QTY Supplemental HRSN Physical Activity Items 1 x 2 Numb of Days/Minutes Moderate Exercise
SR_SPLM_PHYS_ACTV_OVRL_SCRN_IND Screened Supplemental HRSN Physical Activity Overall Indicator
SR_SPLMTL_SBSTNC_USE_1_CD Supplemental HRSN Substance Use 1: Past 12 Months Alcohol Use
SR_SPLMTL_SBSTNC_USE_2_CD Supplemental HRSN Substance Use 2: Past 12 Months Tobacco Use
SR_SPLMTL_SBSTNC_USE_3_CD Supplemental HRSN Substance Use 3: Past 12 months Non-Medical Prescription Drug Use
SR_SPLMTL_SBSTNC_USE_4_CD Supplemental HRSN Substance Use 4: Past 12 Months Illegal Drug Use
SR_SPLMT_SBST_USE_OVRL_SCRNG_IND Screened Supplemental HRSN Substance Use Overall Indicator
SR_HAS_CORE_HRSN_IND Beneficiary Has at Least 1 Core HRSN
SR_ER_VISITS_CD Beneficiary Number of ED Visits Last 12 Months
SR_ELGBL_FOR_NVGTN_IND Beneficiary Eligibility for Navigation, includes Track 1 Control Group Benes
SR_GRP_ASGNMT_IND Beneficiary Group Assignment Assistance Track
SR_NVGTN_OPT_IN_OUT_IND Beneficiary Opted In or Out of Navigation services
SR_NVGTN_OPT_IN_OUT_DT Navigation Case Opt In/Out Date
NC_NVGTN_CASE_ID Navigation Case Unique Identifier
NC_NVGTN_CASE_STRT_DT Navigation Case Opt In Date
NC_NVGTN_CASE_TRMNTN_DT Navigation Case termination date
NC_NVGTN_ACTN_PLAN_CMPLT_SW Navigation Case Action Plan Complete Indicator
NN_NVGTD_CORE_FOOD_SW Navigated Core HRSN Food Indicator
NN_NVGTD_CORE_HOUSNG_SW Navigated Core HRSN Housing Indicator
NN_NVGTD_CORE_SFTY_SW Navigated Core HRSN Safety Indicator
NN_NVGTD_CORE_TRNSPRTN_SW Navigated Core HRSN Transportation Indicator
NN_NVGTD_CORE_UTILITIES_SW Navigated Core HRSN Utilities Indicator
NN_NVGTD_SPLMTL_DSBLTY_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Disability Indicator
NN_NVGTD_SPLMTL_EDCTN_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Education Indicator
NN_NVGTD_SPLMTL_EMPLYMT_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Employment Indicator
NN_NVGTD_SPLMTL_FMLY_CMNTY_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Family and Community Support Indicator
NN_NVGTD_SPLMTL_FINCL_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Financial Strain Indicator
NN_NVGTD_SPLMTL_MH_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Mental Health Indicator
NN_NVGTD_SPLMTL_PHYS_ACTVTY_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Physical Activity Indicator
NN_NVGTD_SPLMTL_SBSTNC_USE_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Substance Use Indicator
NE_NVGTR_CNTCT_ATMPT_NUM Number of navigator attempts to contact beneficiary (successful or not)
NE_NVGTR_SUCSFL_CNTCT_NUM Number of navigator successful contacts with beneficiary
NE_NVGTR_AVG_CNTCT_MNTS_NUM Average duration of successful contacts with beneficiary
NN_CORE_1_CNCTED_TO_CSP_SW At Least 1 Core HRSN Connected to CSP, None Resolved
NN_CORE_1_RSLVD_SW At Least 1 Core HRSN Resolved
NN_CORE_ALL_OPTOUT_NVGTN_SW All Core HRSNs: Opted Out of Further Navigation Services
NN_CORE_ALL_OUTRCH_ATMPT_FAIL_SW All Core HRSNs: Attempt to Reach Failed
NN_CORE_ALL_CSP_UNAVLBL_SW All Core HRSNs: CSP Unavailable or Unable to Help
NN_CORE_ALL_OUTCM_UNK_SW All Core HRSNs: Outcome Unknown
NN_CORE_FOOD_RSLVD_SW Navigated Core HRSN Food Resolved
NN_CORE_FOOD_CNCT_CSP_SW Navigated Core HRSN Food Connected to Community Service Provider
NN_CORE_FOOD_OPTOUT_SW Navigated Core HRSN Food Opted Out
NN_CORE_FOOD_CNTCT_FAIL_SW Navigated Core HRSN Food Attempts to Reach Failed
NN_CORE_FOOD_CSP_UNAVBL_SW Navigated Core HRSN Food Community Service Provider Unable to Help
NN_CORE_FOOD_OUTCM_UNK_SW Navigated Core HRSN Food Outcome Unknown
NN_CORE_HOUSNG_RSLVD_SW Navigated Core HRSN Housing Resolved
NN_CORE_HOUSNG_CNCT_CSP_SW Navigated Core HRSN Housing Connected to Community Service Provider
NN_CORE_HOUSNG_OPTOUT_SW Navigated Core HRSN Housing Opted Out
NN_CORE_HOUSNG_CNTCT_FAIL_SW Navigated Core HRSN Housing Attempts to Reach Failed
NN_CORE_HOUSNG_CSP_UNAVBL_SW Navigated Core HRSN Housing Community Service Provider Unable to Help
NN_CORE_HOUSNG_OUTCM_UNK_SW Navigated Core HRSN Housing Outcome Unknown
NN_CORE_SFTY_RSLVD_SW Navigated Core HRSN Safety Resolved
NN_CORE_SFTY_CNCT_CSP_SW Navigated Core HRSN Safety Connected to Community Service Provider
NN_CORE_SFTY_OPTOUT_SW Navigated Core HRSN Safety Opted Out
NN_CORE_SFTY_CNTCT_FAIL_SW Navigated Core HRSN Safety Attempts to Reach Failed
NN_CORE_SFTY_CSP_UNAVBL_SW Navigated Core HRSN Safety Community Service Provider Unable to Help
NN_CORE_SFTY_OUTCM_UNK_SW Navigated Core HRSN Safety Outcome Unknown
NN_CORE_TRNSPRTN_RSLVD_SW Navigated Core HRSN Transportation Resolved
NN_CORE_TRNSPRTN_CNCT_CSP_SW Navigated Core HRSN Transportation Connected to Community Service Provider
NN_CORE_TRNSPRTN_OPTOUT_SW Navigated Core HRSN Transportation Opted Out
NN_CORE_TRNSPRTN_CNTCT_FAIL_SW Navigated Core HRSN Transportation Attempts to Reach Failed
NN_CORE_TRNSPRTN_CSP_UNAVBL_SW Navigated Core HRSN Transportation Community Service Provider Unable to Help
NN_CORE_TRNSPRTN_OUTCM_UNK_SW Navigated Core HRSN Transportation Outcome Unknown
NN_CORE_UTILITIES_RSLVD_SW Navigated Core HRSN Utilities Resolved
NN_CORE_UTILITIES_CNCT_CSP_SW Navigated Core HRSN Utilities Connected to Community Service Provider
NN_CORE_UTILITIES_OPTOUT_SW Navigated Core HRSN Utilities Opted Out
NN_CORE_UTILITIES_CNTCT_FAIL_SW Navigated Core HRSN Utilities Attempts to Reach Failed
NN_CORE_UTILITIES_CSP_UNAVBL_SW Navigated Core HRSN Utilities Community Service Provider Unable to Help
NN_CORE_UTILITIES_OUTCM_UNK_SW Navigated Core HRSN Utilities Outcome Unknown
NN_SPLMTL_DSBLTS_RSLVD_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Disability Resolved
NN_SPLMTL_DSBLTS_CNCT_CSP_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Disability Connected to Community Service Provider
NN_SPLMTL_DSBLTS_OPTOUT_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Disability Opted Out
NN_SPLMTL_DSBLTS_CNTCT_FAIL_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Disability Attempts to Reach Failed
NN_SPLMTL_DSBLTS_CSP_UNAVBL_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Disability Community Service Provider Unable to Help
NN_SPLMTL_DSBLTS_OUTCM_UNK_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Disability Outcome Unknown
NN_SPLMTL_EDCTN_RSLVD_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Education Resolved
NN_SPLMTL_EDCTN_CNCT_CSP_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Education Connected to Community Service Provider
NN_SPLMTL_EDCTN_OPTOUT_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Education Opted Out
NN_SPLMTL_EDCTN_CNTCT_FAIL_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Education Attempts to Reach Failed
NN_SPLMTL_EDCTN_CSP_UNAVBL_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Education Community Service Provider Unable to Help
NN_SPLMTL_EDCTN_OUTCM_UNK_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Education Outcome Unknown
NN_SPLMTL_EMPLYMT_RSLVD_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Employment Resolved
NN_SPLMTL_EMPLYMT_CNCT_CSP_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Employment Connected to Community Service Provider
NN_SPLMTL_EMPLYMT_OPTOUT_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Employment Opted Out
NN_SPLMTL_EMPLYMT_CNTCT_FAIL_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Employment Attempts to Reach Failed
NN_SPLMTL_EMPLYMT_CSP_UNAVBL_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Employment Community Service Provider Unable to Help
NN_SPLMTL_EMPLYMT_OUTCM_UNK_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Employment Outcome Unknown
NN_SPLMT_FMLY_CMNT_RSLVD_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Family and Community Support Resolved
NN_SPLMT_FMLY_CMNT_CNCT_CSP_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Family and Community Support Connected to Community Service Provider
NN_NVGTD_SPLMTL_PHYS_ACTVTY_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Family and Community Support Opted Out
NN_SPLMT_FMLY_CMNT_CNTCT_FAIL_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Family and Community Support Attempts to Reach Failed
NN_SPLMT_FMLY_CMNT_CSP_UNAVBL_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Family and Community Support Community Service Provider Unable to Help
NN_SPLMT_FMLY_CMNT_OUTCM_UNK_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Family and Community Support Outcome Unknown
Navigated Supplemental HRSN Financial Strain Resolved
NN_SPLMTL_FINCL_CNCT_CSP_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Financial Strain Connected to Community Service Provider
NN_SPLMTL_FINCL_OPTOUT_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Financial Strain Opted Out
NN_SPLMTL_FINCL_CNTCT_FAIL_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Financial Strain Attempts to Reach Failed
NN_SPLMTL_FINCL_CSP_UNAVBL_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Financial Strain Community Service Provider Unable to Help
NN_SPLMTL_FINCL_OUTCM_UNK_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Financial Strain Outcome Unknown
NN_SPLMTL_MH_RSLVD_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Mental Health Resolved
NN_SPLMTL_MH_CNCT_CSP_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Mental Health Connected to Community Service Provider
NN_SPLMTL_MH_OPTOUT_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Mental Health Opted Out
NN_SPLMTL_MH_CNTCT_FAIL_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Mental Health Attempts to Reach Failed
NN_SPLMTL_MH_CSP_UNAVBL_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Mental Health Community Service Provider Unable to Help
NN_SPLMTL_MH_OUTCM_UNK_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Mental Health Outcome Unknown
NN_SPLMT_PHYS_ACT_RSLVD_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Physical Activity Resolved
NN_SPLMT_PHYS_ACT_CNCT_CSP_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Physical Activity Connected to Community Service Provider
NN_SPLMT_PHYS_ACT_OPTOUT_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Physical Activity Opted Out
NN_SPLMT_PHYS_ACT_CNTCT_FAIL_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Physical Activity Attempts to Reach Failed
NN_SPLMT_PHYS_ACT_CSP_UNAVBL_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Physical Activity Community Service Provider Unable to Help
NN_SPLMT_PHYS_ACT_OUTCM_UNK_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Physical Activity Outcome Unknown
NN_SPLMT_SBSTN_USE_RSLVD_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Substance Use Resolved
NN_SPLMT_SBSTN_USE_CNCT_CSP_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Substance Use Connected to Community Service Provider
NN_SPLMT_SBSTN_USE_OPTOUT_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Substance Use Opted Out
NN_SPLMT_SBSTN_USE_CNTCT_FAIL_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Substance Use Attempts to Reach Failed
NN_SPLMT_SBSTN_USE_CSP_UNAVBL_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Substance Use Community Service Provider Unable to Help
NN_SPLMT_SBSTN_USE_OUTCM_UNK_SW Navigated Supplemental HRSN Substance Use Outcome Unknown