Beneficiary Group Assignment Assistance Track

SAS Name

Screening result (SR) variable that indicates whether the beneficiary was assigned to the intervention group (the assistance track) or a control group.


Navigation-eligible beneficiaries in the assistance track were randomly assigned to intervention (70%) or control (30%) group. More specifically, the AHC data system used a randomizer to set the probability. When a beneficiary met the randomization eligibility criteria (i.e., 1+ core HRSN and 2+ ED visits in the 12 months prior to screening), the AHC data system “tossed a 10 dice." If the result was 1 to 7, the beneficiary was assigned to the intervention group; if the result was 8 to 10, the beneficiary was assigned to the control group. Therefore, the beneficiary had a 70% probability being assigned to the intervention group and a 30% probability of being assigned to the control group. About 1% of assistance track navigation-eligible beneficiaries have a missing value, likely due to a technical issue with the AHC data system. Most of those beneficiaries (93%) have a missing value for the navigation opt in/out flag (SR_NVGTN_OPT_IN_OUT_IND) indicating that they were likely not offered navigation services. The other seven percent opted out of navigation services (SR_NVGTN_OPT_IN_OUT_IND = 0).

Variables that start with “SR” include information for each screening.

Source: AHC data system

Code Code value
0 Control group
1 Intervention group (assistance track)