Screened Supplemental HRSN Family and Community Support Overall Indicator

SAS Name

Screening result (SR) supplemental health related social need (HRSN) family and community support composite indicator.


The variables considered for this indicator are SR_SPLMTL_FMLY_CMNTY_SPRT_1_CD (value of 2 = I could use a little more help or 3 = I need a lot more help) and SR_SPLMTL_FMLY_CMNTY_SPRT_2_CD(value of 3 = Often or 4 = Always). This field is “1” if either of the two family and community support questions was positive for the need.

Variables that start with “SR” include information for each screening.

Source: AHC data system

Code Code value
0 Did not screen positive for friends and community support need
1 Screened positive for friends and community support need