Screening Identifier

SAS Name

Screening result (SR) AHC screening standardized nine-digit unique identifier.


Beneficiaries had between one and 95 screenings; these are uniquely identified using this screening ID (SR_SCRNG_ID) field.

This ID is specific to the AHC Model and does not link to any other CMS data file or system.

Variables that start with “SR” include information for each screening.

Source: AHC data system (derived)

Code Code value
Alphanumeric character string that contains intelligence (e.g., 2230025803 is the 25,803rd unique screening for the AHC bridge organization B23). The first digit is always 2, then the 2nd and 3rd digits are the numeric portion of the bridge organization
identifier (i.e., the “B” from the bridge organization ID is replaced with a “2”). The remaining 6 digits
are sequential numbers representing unique screenings for each bridge organization.