Reminder: DUA and VRDC access needs to be extended or renewed annually. Read more.
A score indicating the patient's ability to go up and down 12 to 14 stairs (one flight) indoors in a safe manner at admission.
A score indicating the patient's ability to go up and down 12 to 14 stairs (one flight) indoors in a safe manner at discharge.
A score indicating the desired goal for the patient's ability to go up and down 12 to 14 stairs (one flight) indoors in a safe manner at discharge.
A score indicating the patient's ability to comprehend at admission. Comprehension includes unerstanding of either auditory or visual communication (for example, writing, sign language, gestures).
A score indicating the patient's ability to comprehend at admission. Comprehension includes unerstanding of either auditory or visual communication (for example, writing, sign language, gestures). The more usual mode of comprehension ('Auditory' or 'Visual') is evaluated; 'Both' indicates auditory and visual are used about equally.
A score indicating the patient's ability to comprehend at discharge. Comprehension includes understanding of either auditory or visual communication (for example, writing, sign language, gestures).
A score indicating the patient's abiltiy to comprehend at discharge. Comprehension includes understanding of either auditory or visual communication (for example, writing, sign language, gestures). The more usual mode of comprehension ("Auditory,' or 'Visual') is evaluated; 'Both' indicates auditory and visual are used about equally.
A score indicating the desired goal for the patient to achieve for comprehension at discharge. Comprehension includes understanding of either auditory or visual communication (for example, writing, sign language, gestures).
A score indicating the patient's ability for expression at admission. Expression includes clear vocal or nonvocal expression of language. This item includes either intelligible speech or clear expression of language using writing or a communication device
A score indicating the patient's ability for expression at admission. Expression includes clear vocal or nonvocal expression of language. This item includes either intelligible speech or clear expression of language using writing or a communication device. The more usual mode of expression ('Vocal' or 'Nonvocal') is evaluated; 'Both' indicates vocal and novocal are used about equally.
A score indicating the patient's ability for expression at discharge. Expression includes clear vocal or nonvocal expression of language. This item includes either intelligible speech or clear expression of language using writing or a communication device.
A score indicating the patient's ability for expression at discharge. Expression includes clear vocal or nonvocal expression of language. This item includes either intelligible speech or clear expression of language using writing or a communication device. The more usual mode of expression ('Vocal' or 'Nonvocal') is evaluated; 'Both' indicates vocal and novocal are used about equally.
A score indicating the desired goal for the patient to achieve for expression at discharge. Expression includes clear vocal or nonvocal expression of language. This item includes either intelligible speech or clear expression of language using writing or a communication device.
A score indicating the patient's ability for social interaction at admission. Social interaction includes skills related to getting along and participating with others in therapeutic and social situations. It represents how one deals with one's own needs together with the needs of others.
A score indicating the patient's ability for social interaction at discharge. Social interaction includes skills related to getting along and participating with others in therapeutic and social situations. It represents how one deals with one's own needs together with the needs of others.
A score indicating the desired goal for the patient to achieve for social interaction at discharge. Social interaction includes skills related to getting along and participating with others in therapeutic and social situations. It represents how one deals with one's own needs together with the needs of others.
A score indicating the patient's ability for problem solving at admission. Problem solving includes skills related to solving problems of daily living. This means making reasonable, safe, and timely decisions regarding financial, social, and personal affairs, as well as the initiation, sequencing, and self-correcting of tasks and activities to solve problems.
A score indicating the patient's ability for problem solving at discharge. Problem solving includes skills related to solving problems of daily living. This means making reasonable, safe, and timely decisions regarding financial, social, and personal affairs, as well as the initiation, sequencing, and self-correcting of tasks and activities to solve problems.
A score indicating the desired goal for the patient to achieve for problem solving at discharge. Problem solving includes skills related to solving problems of daily living. This means making reasonable, safe, and timely decisions regarding financial, social, and personal affairs, as well as the initiation, sequencing, and self-correcting of tasks and activities to solve problems.
A score indicating the patient's ability to remember at admission. Memory includes skills related to recongizing and remembering while performing daily activities in an institutional or community setting. Memory in this context includes the ability to store and retrieve information, particularly verbal and visual.
A score indicating the patient's ability to remember at discharge. Memory includes skills related to recongizing and remembering while performing daily activities in an institutional or community setting. Memory in this context includes the ability to store and retrieve information, particularly verbal and visual.
A score indicating the desired goal for the patient to achieve for memory at discharge. Memory includes skills related to recongizing and remembering while performing daily activities in an institutional or community setting. Memory in this context includes the ability to store and retrieve information, particularly verbal and visual.
This date determines the year of the assessment. The date the patient is discharges from the rehabilitation facility.
A code indicating whether the patient was discharged against medical advice.
A code indicating whether the Medicare inpatient is discharged from the inpatient rehabilitaion facility and returns to the same inpatient rehabilitation facility within 3 consecutive calendar days.
The date when the patient leaves the inpatient rehabilitation facility in a program interruption situation (Item 42 - a situation where a Medicare inpatient is discharged from the inpatient rehabilitation facility and returns to the same inpatient rehabiliation facility within 3 consecutive calendar days).
The date when the patient returns to the inpatient rehabilitation facility in a program interruption situation (Item 42 - a situation where a Medicare inpatient is discharged from the inpatient rehabilitation facility and returns to the same inpatient rehabiliation facility within 3 consecutive calendar days).
The second date when the patient leaves the inpatient rehabilitation facility in a program interruption situation (Item 42 - a situation where a Medicare inpatient is discharged from the inpatient rehabilitation facility and returns to the same inpatient rehabiliation facility within 3 consecutive calendar days).
The date when the patient returns to the inpatient rehabilitation facility in a program interruption situation (Item 42 - a situation where a Medicare inpatient is discharged from the inpatient rehabilitation facility and returns to the same inpatient rehabiliation facility within 3 consecutive calendar days).
The third date when the patient leaves the inpatient rehabilitation facility in a program interruption situation (Item 42 - a situation where a Medicare inpatient is discharged from the inpatient rehabilitation facility and returns to the same inpatient rehabiliation facility within 3 consecutive calendar days).
The date when the patient returns to the inpatient rehabilitation facility in a program interruption situation (Item 42 - a situation where a Medicare inpatient is discharged from the inpatient rehabilitation facility and returns to the same inpatient rehabiliation facility within 3 consecutive calendar days).
A code indicating the setting to which the patient is discharged.
A code indicating whether the patient was discharged with Home Health Services (if the patient was discharged to a community-based setting, i.e., Item 44A is coded 01 - Home; 02 - Board and Care; 03 - Transitional Living; 14 - Assisted Living Residence).
A code which indicates with whom the resident will be living if Item 44A (Discharge to Living Setting) is coded 01 - Home.
An ICD-9 code indicating the reason for the program interruption or death.
An ICD-9-CM code indicating the complications or comorbidities that began after the rehabilitation stay started. This code identifies conditions which delayed or compromised the effectiveness of the rehabilitation program or represent high-risk medical disorders.
An ICD-9-CM code indicating the complications or comorbidities that began after the rehabilitation stay started. This code identifies conditions which delayed or compromised the effectiveness of the rehabilitation program or represent high-risk medical disorders.
An ICD-9-CM code indicating the complications or comorbidities that began after the rehabilitation stay started. This code identifies conditions which delayed or compromised the effectiveness of the rehabilitation program or represent high-risk medical disorders.
An ICD-9-CM code indicating the complications or comorbidities that began after the rehabilitation stay started. This code identifies conditions which delayed or compromised the effectiveness of the rehabilitation program or represent high-risk medical disorders.
An ICD-9-CM code indicating the complications or comorbidities that began after the rehabilitation stay started. This code identifies conditions which delayed or compromised the effectiveness of the rehabilitation program or represent high-risk medical disorders.
An ICD-9-CM code indicating the complications or comorbidities that began after the rehabilitation stay started. This code identifies conditions which delayed or compromised the effectiveness of the rehabilitation program or represent high-risk medical disorders.
A code which indicates whether the patient reports one or more episodes of becoming 'breathless' or short of breath (dyspneic), or the patient is observed to be short of breath with mild exertion, such as during bathing or transferring, on at least one occasion at the time of admission.
A code which indicates whether the patient reports one or more episodes of becoming 'breathless' or short of breath (dyspneic), or the patient is observed to be short of breath with mild exertion, such as during bathing or transferring, on at least one occasion at the time of discharge.
A code which indicates whether the patient reports one or more episodes of becoming 'breathless' or short of breath (dyspneic), or the patient is observed to be short of breath while at rest (e.g., while sitting, talking) on at least on occasion at the time of admission.
A code which indicates whether the patient reports one or more episodes of becoming 'breathless' or short of breath (dyspneic), or the patient is observed to be short of breath while at rest (e.g., while sitting, talking) on at least on occasion at the time of discharge.
A code which indicates whether the patient reports or is observed to be unable to cough effectively to expel respiratory secretions or sputum from the mouth on at least one occasion at the time of admission.
A code which indicates whether the patient reports or is observed to be unable to cough effectively to expel respiratory secretions or sputum from the mouth on at least one occasion at the time of discharge.
A rating indicating the highest level of pain reported by the patient within the assessment period regardless of whether taking pain medication at the time of admission. Pain refers to any type of physical pain or discomfort in any part of the body.
A rating indicating the highest level of pain reported by the patient within the assessment period regardless of whether taking pain medication at the time of discharge. Pain refers to any type of physical pain or discomfort in any part of the body.
A code indicating the highest current pressure ulcer stage at the time of admission.