(39Qd) Social Cognition - Problem Solving: Discharge

SAS Name

A score indicating the patient's ability for problem solving at discharge.  Problem solving includes skills related to solving problems of daily living.  This means making reasonable, safe, and timely decisions regarding financial, social, and personal affairs, as well as the initiation, sequencing, and self-correcting of tasks and activities to solve problems.

Code Code value
01 Helper - Complete Dependence/Total Assistance (Subject less than 25%)
02 Helper - Complete Dependence/Maximal Assistance (Subject 25% or more)
03 Helper - Modified Dependence/Moderate Assistance (Subject 50% or more)
04 Helper - Modified Dependence/Minimal Assistance (Subject 75% or more)
05 Helper - Modified Dependence/Supervision (Subject 100%)
06 No Helper/Modified Independence (Device)
07 No Helper/Complete Independence (Timely, Safely)