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Cognitive patterns: indicators of delirium - altered perception.
Cognitive patterns: indicators of delirium - episodes of disorganized speech.
Cognitive patterns: indicators of delirium - periods of restlessness.
Cognitive patterns: indicators of delirium - periods of lethargy.
Cognitive patterns: indicators of delirium - mental function varies during day.
Cognitive patterns: indicators of delirium - change in congitive status as compared to status 90 days ago
Communications/hearing patterns: hearing.
Communications/hearing patterns: communication devices/techniques - hearing aid present/used during last 7 days.
Communications/hearing patterns: communication devices/techniques - hearing aid present/not used regularly.
Communications/hearing patterns: communication devices/techniques - other receptive communication techniques used.
Communications/hearing patterns: communication devices/techniques - none of above.
Communications/hearing patterns: modes of expression - speech.
Communications/hearing patterns: modes of expression - writing messages.
Communications/hearing patterns: modes of expression - American Sign language/Braille.
Communications/hearing patterns: modes of expression - signs/gestures/sounds.
Communications/hearing patterns: modes of expression - communication board.
Communications/hearing patterns: modes of expression - other.
Communications/hearing patterns: modes of expression - none of above.
Communications/hearing patterns: speech clarity
Communications/hearing patterns: ability to understand others.
Communications/hearing patterns: change in communication/hearing.
Vision Patterns: vision.
Vision Patterns: visual limitations/difficulties - side vision problems.
Vision Patterns: visual limitations/difficulties - sees halos/rings/flashes/curtains.
Vision Patterns: visual limitations/difficulties - none of above.
Vision Patterns: visual appliances.
Mood and behavior patterns: indicators of depression, anxiety, sad mood - sad/apathetic/anxious appearance - sad/apined/worried facial expressions.
Mood and behavior patterns: mood persistance.
Mood and behavior patterns: change is mood as compared to status 90 days ago.
Mood and behavior patterns: behavioral symptoms - wandering -behavior symptom alterability.
Mood and behavior patterns: behavioral symptoms - verbally abusive behavioral symptoms - behavior symptom alterability.
Mood and behavior patterns: behavioral symptoms - physically abusive behavioral symptoms - behavior symptom alterability.
Mood and behavior patterns: behavioral symptoms - socially inappropriate/disruptive behavioral symptoms -behavior symptom alterability.
Mood and behavior patterns: behavioral symptoms - resists care - behavioral symptom alterability.
Mood and behavior patterns: change in behavioral symptoms.
Psychosocial well-being: sense of initiative/invovlement - at ease interacting with others.
Psychosocial well-being: sense of initiative/invovlement - at ease doing planned/structured activities.
Psychosocial well-being: sense of initiative/invovlement - at ease doing self-initiated activities.
Psychosocial well-being: sense of initiative/invovlement - establishes own goals.
Psychosocial well-being: sense of initiative/invovlement - pursues involvement in life of facility.
Psychosocial well-being: sense of initiative/invovlement - accepts invitations to most group activities.
Psychosocial well-being: sense of initiative/invovlement - none of above.
Psychosocial well-being: unsettled relationships - covert/open conflict with staff.
Psychosocial well-being: unsettled relationships - unhappy with roommate.
Psychosocial well-being: unsettled relationships - unhappy with other residents.
Psychosocial well-being: unsettled relationships - openly expresses conflict/anger with family/friends.
Psychosocial well-being: unsettled relationships - absence of personal contact with family/friends.
Psychosocial well-being: unsettled relationships - recent loss of close family member/friend.
Psychosocial well-being: unsettled relationships - does not easily adjust to routine change.
Psychosocial well-being: unsettled relationships - none of above.