CMMI Model Data Sharing (CMDS) Initiative Makes New Model Participation Data Available to Researchers

CMS is pleased to announce the availability of Research Identifiable Files (RIFs) for one additional CMS Innovation Center model.

CMS is releasing new participation data for the following model:

This model joins the existing models that have released data since 2022 as part of the CMS Innovation Center Model Data Sharing (CMDS) initiative. Each model in the release may have a separate file for each of the three types of participation data; entities, providers, and beneficiaries as appropriate; and if data is available. Not all models have data for each type of participation data.

In addition to the new participation data for AHC, CMS has added the “Beneficiary Operational End Date” field to the CMDS beneficiary participation file layout. This field is only applicable to models with defined-length beneficiary episodes, such as the Oncology Care Model (OCM), so it will not be populated for many models’ beneficiary data. For these kinds of defined-length episodic models, the “Beneficiary Operational End Date” variable represents the end date for a full-length beneficiary episode, regardless of whether or not the beneficiary’s provider organization remains in the model for its entire duration. If a participating provider leaves the model before the end of the full episode, the field “Beneficiary End Date” would match the field “Entity End Date”, but the field “Beneficiary Operational End Date” would reflect any additional time the Beneficiary is in the model after the Entity leaves.

The beneficiary participation data for the OCM model, which ended in 2022, has been updated for the 2024 Q3 CMDS release to populate the new “Beneficiary Operational End Date” field. The OCM beneficiary cohort, which was last updated for the 2022 Q4 CMDS release, has not changed.

For information about the participating models and data files, please visit the CMMI Model Data Sharing Model Participation Data Initiative page.