Previous Owner CCW Pharmacy identifier

SAS Name

This variable is the CCW-assigned pharmacy identification number that is used to uniquely identify pharmacy entities. This variable is only populated if the pharmacy ownership changed in the reference year and the new owner did not keep the same pharmacy identifiers as the previous owner. This variable allows linkage of records in this file that are for the same physical location.


Available in 2012 and 2013 files only.

The CCW Pharmacy ID is created by linking the service provider identification number (SRVC_PRVDR_ID) from the source PDE to the proprietary National Council for Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP) Database. The variable is populated only for the subset of CCW Pharmacy IDs where the physical location of the pharmacy did not change, but the NCPDP pharmacy data for that year indicated the ownership changed.

Source: PDE and NCDPD DataQ™ (derived)

Code Code value
Null/missing (n/a)
5-digit numeric value