Pharmacy Relationship Identifier (encrypted)

SAS Name

An encrypted NCPDP identifier for a chain or franchise organization that the pharmacy has a relationship with.

Some pharmacies share a relationship with a common organization. For each of these pharmacies, there is a maximum of one relationship ID (RELATIONSHIP_ID) and type (RELATIONSHIP_TYPE). When a relationship was not specified, both the relationship ID and relationship type variables are null (missing).


A single relationship ID will generally relate to more than one CCW_PHARM_ID (i.e., multiple pharmacies can have the same overarching company).

Also, a single chain or franchise, which is represented in this data file as a relationship ID, can function as more than one type of dispenser (i.e., it can have different values in the dispenser type code for different pharmacies).

A parent organization (variable called PRINT_ORG_ID) may consist of multiple RELATIONSHIP_IDs.

Additional details regarding the National Councile for Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP) source data are available at:

Values: 3-digit alpha numeric or null/missing (relationship n/a)

Source: NCDPD DataQ™