This variable is contained in the following files:
SAS Name
Indicates whether the OCM participant reported data on this episode to the OCM registry.
Source: Oncology Care Model Data Registry
OCM participants submitted staging and clinical data to the OCM Data Registry (OCMR), a web-based data submission and collection tool, for episodes that were attributed to their practice.
Beneficiaries not reported to the OCMR (RPTD_TO_RGSTRY=0) have blank values for the following variables in the Clinical and Staging file: AJCC_EDITION, CNCR_TYPE_RPTD, ESTROGEN_RECEPTOR, HER2_AMPLIFICATION, HISTOLOGY, ICD10_CNCR_DGNS_CD_RPTD, INITL_DGNS_DT, METASTASIS, NODAL_DISEASE, PRMRY_TUMOR, and PROGESTERONE_RECEPTOR. Such beneficiaries will also not have records in the current clinical status file.
A second group of beneficiaries also has blank values for the variables listed above, those where RPTD_TO_RGSTRY = 1 but whose reported values were determined to be invalid for one of the following reasons:
Participant-reported cancer type (CNCR_TYPE_RPTD) not equal to OCM-assigned cancer type (CNCR_TYPE_ASGNED)
Practice reporting the data was not the same as the practice to which the beneficiary’s episode was attributed
Not all information was completely reported, or,
Multiple records with conflicting values for the primary tumor, nodal disease, and/or metastasis elements were reported (and it was not known which were correct).
In the first five performance periods, if a practice did not report to the OCMR, they were ineligible to be considered for a performance-based payment (reporting was required for at least 75% of episodes). For the 6th through 11th performance periods, practices were permitted to opt out of reporting due to external burdens associated with the COVID19 PHE, and were still eligible to receive performance-based payments.
OCM participants submitted staging and clinical data to the OCM Data Registry (OCMR), a web-based data submission and collection tool, for episodes that were attributed to their practice.
Beneficiaries not reported to the OCMR (RPTD_TO_RGSTRY=0) have blank values for the following variables in the Clinical and Staging file: AJCC_EDITION, CNCR_TYPE_RPTD, ESTROGEN_RECEPTOR, HER2_AMPLIFICATION, HISTOLOGY, ICD10_CNCR_DGNS_CD_RPTD, INITL_DGNS_DT, METASTASIS, NODAL_DISEASE, PRMRY_TUMOR, and PROGESTERONE_RECEPTOR. Such beneficiaries will also not have records in the current clinical status file.
A second group of beneficiaries also has blank values for the variables listed above, those where RPTD_TO_RGSTRY = 1 but whose reported values were determined to be invalid for one of the following reasons:
In the first five performance periods, if a practice did not report to the OCMR, they were ineligible to be considered for a performance-based payment (reporting was required for at least 75% of episodes). For the 6th through 11th performance periods, practices were permitted to opt out of reporting due to external burdens associated with the COVID19 PHE, and were still eligible to receive performance-based payments.