Other True Out-of-Pocket (TrOOP) Amount Indicator

SAS Name

This code is used when the Other TrOOP Amount (variable called OTHR_TROOP_AMOUNT) includes Inflation Reduction Act Subsidy Amount (IRASA) dollars for benefit year 2023.


Effective January 1, 2023, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) eliminates the deductible and imposes a statutory maximum beneficiary cost sharing of $35 per month’s supply for Part D covered insulins. In addition, effective January 1, 2023, the IRA eliminates the deductible and imposes a statutory maximum beneficiary cost sharing of $0 for adult vaccines as recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). 

CMS defines IRASA as the difference between the beneficiary cost sharing for the covered insulin, or ACIP-recommended vaccine, under the plan’s 2023 benefit design, and the applicable statutory maximum cost sharing ($35 for insulins and $0 for vaccines). The IRASA is available only for 2023. Additional details are available from CMS (reference: https://www.cms.gov/files/document/irasapdeguidance508g.pdf)

Source: PDE

Code Code value
B the amount reported in Other TrOOP field contains both IRASA and non-IRASA Other TrOOP amounts
S the amount reported in Other TrOOP contains only IRASA Other TrOOP amount
Null/missing Not applicable. The amount reported in Other TrOOP contains only non-IRASA Other TrOOP amount, if any.