Reminder: DUA and VRDC access needs to be extended or renewed annually. Read more.
This variable is contained in the following files:
SAS Name
This variable is the annual indicator of the beneficiary’s Medicare-Medicaid eligibility type code. CCW creates this variable using a hierarchy that is the maximum value of the monthly MME_TYPE_CD_MM.
Code | Code value |
1 | Medicaid only — Aged/Blind/or Disabled (A/B/D) |
2 | Medicare only |
3 | Partial Dual |
4 | Full Dual |
MMLEADS also includes the monthly MME_TYPE_CD_01–12
If the beneficiary has more than one MME_TYPE_CD_01–12 value during the year, then CCW uses the maximum value of the monthly MME_TYPE_CD_MM. The hierarchy (and definition of the MME_TYPE_CD) is:
Full dual (MME_TYPE_CD = 4) — the MBSF DUAL_STUS_CD_MM in ('02' '04' '08');
Partial dual (MME_TYPE_CD = 3) — the MBSF DUAL_STUS_CD_MM in ('01' '03' '05' '06');
Medicare only (MME_TYPE_CD = 2) — the MBSF DUAL_STUS_CD_MM = '00' '09' 'N/A' 'NA' '99' and MDCR_BUY_IN in ('1' '2' '3' 'A' 'B' 'C') then (Medicare Only); or else if
Medicaid only A/B/D (MME_TYPE_CD = 1) — the T-MSIS DE File ELIGBLTY_GRP_CD_MM IN ('11' '12' '13' '14' '15' '16' '17' '18' '19' '20' '21' '22' '23' '24' '25' '26' '37' '38' '39' '40' '41' '42' '43' '44' '45' '46' '47' '48' '49' '50' '51' '52' '59' '60' '69').
Source: MBSF/T-MSIS DE file (derived) (derived)