Medical/Surgical Supplies Charge Amount ($)

SAS Name

The charge amount (rounded to whole dollars) for medical/surgical supplies related to the beneficiary's stay.


This field is derived by accumulating the revenue center total charge amount associated with revenue center codes 027x, and 062x from all claim’s records included in the stay.

Note that detailed revenue center charge amounts for medical/surgical supplies are available 2011 forward — reference the following 12 fields: MDCL_SRGCL_GNRL_AMT, MDCL_SRGCL_NSTRL_AMT, MDCL_SRGCL_STRL_AMT, MDCL_SRGCL_DRSNG_AMT, MDCL_SRGCL_PCMKR_AMT, MDCL_SRGCL_MISC_AMT, TAKE_HOME_AMT, PRSTHTC_ORTHTC_AMT, INTRAOCULAR_LENS_AMT, OXYGN_TAKE_HOME_AMT, OTHR_IMPLANTS_AMT, and OTHR_SUPLIES_DVC_AMT.

Source: MedPAR (derived)