This variable is the total count of Medicaid Inpatient (IP) (header) claims for the beneficiary during the year.
The corresponding Medicaid payment information for IP is in the MDCD_IP_TOTAL_SPEND variable; however, due to CMS payment redaction requirements the dollar totals will not reflect the (redacted) managed care expenditures. MMLEADS counts all claims in the MDCD_IP_TOTAL_USE variable. Use caution when calculating average spend per claim. There may be claims (i.e., use) for which there is no corresponding payment information.
The corresponding Medicaid payment information for IP is in the MDCD_IP_TOTAL_SPEND variable; however, due to CMS payment redaction requirements the dollar totals will not reflect the (redacted) managed care expenditures. MMLEADS counts all claims in the MDCD_IP_TOTAL_USE variable. Use caution when calculating average spend per claim. There may be claims (i.e., use) for which there is no corresponding payment information.
Source: T-MSIS Inpatient Claims File (derived)