Reminder: DUA and VRDC access needs to be extended or renewed annually. Read more.
This variable is contained in the following files:
SAS Name
The number of patients served by the hospital at home program who died during the data submission period, including those whose care was escalated to the hospital (excluding those on hospice or those for whom death was expected).
Source: AHCAH facility-submitted data
Values: 0, 1+
Occasionally a negative value may appear in a data submission; theses are corrections to prior data. Data users should interpret the negative values to mean zero (no mortalities).
The data submission period represents the data submission for the previous month or week. Data submissions are due to CMS by midnight of Wednesday for the previous week or month; therefore, submission dates may be a few days after the last day of the week or month.
There are two tiers of experience (assigned by CMS during evaluation of the facility’s waiver submission) that determine whether the facility submits data monthly or weekly: Tier 1 hospitals have treated “at home” at least 25 patients meeting inpatient admission criteria through their existing program prior to requesting an AHCAH waiver; Tier 2 hospitals have treated “at home” fewer than 25 patients, or none at all, prior to requesting a waiver. Tier 1 hospitals (variable called FAC_TIER=1) submit AHCAH data on a monthly basis; Tier 2 facilities (variable called FAC_TIER=2) submit data on a weekly basis.