CMS-HCC Risk Score for ESRD Status

SAS Name

Final, prospective risk score based on the applicable risk adjustment model for the most recently available MA payment year, renormalized so that the mean national assignable FFS risk score equals 1.0. Populated based on the beneficiary's last eligible month and =. if Final_assign =1.


Risk scores for different enrollment categories are reported in separate columns: ESRD risk scores are renormalized to the ESRD population, disabled risk scores are renormalized to the disabled population, aged/dual risk scores are renormalized to the aged/dual population, and aged/non-dual risk scores are renormalized to the aged/non-dual population. Therefore ESRD, disabled, aged/dual, and aged/non-dual risk scores are not on the same scale and are not comparable. Although there are four columns, each beneficiary will only have the risk score reported for their enrollment status in their last eligible month in the most recently available MA payment year, which may not correspond to their enrollment type in the report period. The three columns for beneficiaries' non-applicable enrollment statuses will be left blank. Beneficiaries who were not included in the most recently available payment year risk score file, or who were excluded during the report period will not have a risk score. CMS-HCC risk scores for beneficiaries who are new enrollees are based on demographic factors only, even if those beneficiaries have CMS-HCC flags.