1915(c) Waiver Type Code - Latest in Year

SAS Name

A code to indicate the type of 1915(c) waiver under which the beneficiary received coverage; most recent in the calendar year.


The value is from the last populated '1915C Waiver Type Code'. There are up to 10 waiver type codes for 1915(c) waivers in total; i.e., where the monthly waiver type = 06 – 19 or 33. The value is set to '89' if there are two or more 1915c waivers in the latest month.

SOURCE: T-MSIS Annual Demographic and Eligibility TAF

Code Code value
06 1915(c) – Aged and Disabled
07 1915(c) – Aged
08 1915(c) – Physical Disabilities
09 1915(c) – Intellectual Disabilities
10 1915(c) – Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
11 1915(c) – Brain Injury
12 1915(c) – HIV/AIDS
13 1915(c) – Technology Dependent or Medically Fragile
14 1915(c) – Disabled (other)
15 1915(c) – Enrolled in 1915(c) waiver for unspecified or unknown populations
16 1915(c) – Autism/Autism spectrum disorder
17 1915(c) – Developmental Disabilities
18 1915(c) – Mental Illness – Age 18 or Older
19 1915(c) – Mental Illness – Under Age 18
20 1915(c) waiver concurrent with an 1115 or 1915(b) managed care authority
33 1915(c) waiver (T-MSIS DD v2.1)
89 Two or more 1915(c) waivers in the latest month
null/missing not one of the 1915 waivers, or source value is missing or unknown