TAF Pharmacy File

The Medicaid and CHIP TAF (T-MSIS Analytic File) Pharmacy (RX) file includes records of filled prescriptions. Records include fee-for-service (FFS) claims, managed care encounters and supplemental payments for Medicaid, Medicaid-expansion CHIP and separate CHIP.

What does this file include? (variable highlights)

Special considerations

  • Encounter data reporting may vary by state, year and eligibility group.
  • Information on the drug name, dosage and format is not recorded in the TAF RX file. An external source of NDC data will be required if that information is needed.
  • CMS continues to work with states to address data quality issues. In addition to preliminary and fully mature files, CMS may provide updated releases of the files for a given year. CMS has fee information for TAF data pricing.
  • ResDAC provides resources on Medicaid TAF data quality.
  • A bridge file will be provided to assist researchers that are conducting longitudinal analysis involving 2020 TAF research files along with earlier service years. For additional information, please see the CCW T-MSIS Analytic Files (TAF) User Guide posted on CCW’s User Documentation page.

Availability of this file

CY 2014-2022
2023 Preliminary

For calendar years 2014 and 2015, the CMS Medicaid research files will be in either the MAX or TAF format depending on when the state transitioned to T-MSIS data submissions. 

Please see the state and year availability table:

For earlier versions of Medicaid data, please refer to the MAX data file page.

See what is in this file