For most files, a table of variables will display below, with links to the variable definitions. If no table displays, or if you need additional information for a specific variable, please see the CCW website. Data documentation is available for all files and codebooks for many.

If you are unable to locate the information you need, please contact ResDAC.

Base Claim File

NumberSAS NameVariable Name
1 BENE_ID Encrypted CCW Beneficiary Identifier
2 MSIS_ID Encrypted State Assigned Beneficiary Unique Identifier
3 STATE_CD Submitting State Alpha Abbreviation
4 SUBMTG_STATE_CD Submitting State FIPS Code
5 CLM_ID CCW Claim Identifier
6 CLM_NUM_ORIG Original Claim Identifier
7 CLM_NUM_ADJ Adjustment Claim Identifier
8 CLM_TYPE_CD Claim Type Code (TAF)
9 BILL_TYPE_CD Bill Type Code
10 CROSSOVER_CLM_IND Code To Indicate if a Portion of Claim is Paid by Medicare
11 ADJUST_CD Claim Adjustment Code
12 ADJUST_RSN_CD Adjustment Reason Code
13 ADJDCTN_DT Adjudication Date
14 MDCD_PD_DT Medicaid Paid Date
15 CLL_CNT Claim Line Count - Original
16 CLL_CNT_CALC Claim Line Count - Calculated
17 PRSN_CLM_IND Indicator of a Claim for a Person
18 SRVC_TRKNG_TYPE_CD Service Tracking Type Code
19 FED_SRVC_CTGRY_CD Federally Assigned Service Category Code Added During TAF Production
20 BIRTH_DT Date of Birth
21 PGM_TYPE_CD Program Type Code
22 MC_PLAN_ID Managed Care Plan Identification Number
23 WVR_TYPE_CD Waiver Type Code
24 WVR_ID Waiver Identification Number
25 OTHR_INSRNC_IND Indicator Insured is Covered by Another Plan (Not Medicare or Medicaid)
26 SECT_1115A_DEMO_IND 1115(A) Demonstration Participation Indicator
27 SRVC_BGN_DT Claim Beginning Date of Service
28 SRVC_END_DT Claim Ending Date of Service
29 SRVC_END_DT_CD Identifies the Date Field Used to Populate SRVC_END_DT
30 DGNS_CD_1 Primary or Principal Diagnosis Code
31 DGNS_VRSN_CD_1 Diagnosis Version Code 1 (ICD-9 or ICD-10)
32 DGNS_POA_IND_1 Diagnosis Present on Admission Indicator 1
33 DGNS_1_CCSR_CTGRY_CD AHRQ Clinical Classifications Software Refined (CCSR) Diagnosis 1 Category Code
34 DGNS_CD_2 Diagnosis Code 2
35 DGNS_VRSN_CD_2 Diagnosis Version Code 2 (ICD-9 or ICD-10)
36 DGNS_POA_IND_2 Diagnosis Present on Admission Indicator 2
37 HAC_IND Health Care Acquired Condition (HAC) Indicator
38 IP_MH_DGNS_IND Mental Health Diagnosis Indicator
39 IP_SUD_DGNS_IND Substance Use Disorder Diagnosis Indicator
40 POS_CD Place of Service Code
41 BLG_PRVDR_ID Billing Provider Identification Number (TAF)
42 BLG_PRVDR_NPI Billing Provider NPI
43 BLG_PRVDR_TXNMY_CD Billing Provider Taxonomy Code
44 BLG_PRVDR_NPPES_TXNMY_CD Billing Provider NPPES Taxonomy Code
45 BLG_PRVDR_TYPE_CD Billing Provider Type Code
46 BLG_PRVDR_SPCLTY_CD Billing Provider Specialty Code
47 RFRG_PRVDR_ID Referring Provider Identification Number
48 RFRG_PRVDR_NPI Referring Provider NPI
49 RFRG_PRVDR_TXNMY_CD Referring Provider Taxonomy Code
50 RFRG_PRVDR_TYPE_CD Referring Provider Type Code
51 RFRG_PRVDR_SPCLTY_CD Referring Provider Specialty Code
52 DRCTNG_PRVDR_NPI NPI of Provider Directing the Patient's Care
53 DRCTNG_PRVDR_TXNMY_CD Taxonomy Code of Provider Directing the Patient's Care
54 SPRVSNG_PRVDR_NPI Supervising Provider NPI
55 SPRVSNG_PRVDR_TXNMY_CD Supervising Provider Taxonomy Code
56 HLTH_HOME_PRVDR_IND Health Home Provider Indicator
57 HLTH_HOME_PRVDR_NPI Health Home Provider NPI
58 HLTH_HOME_ENT_NAME Health Home Entity Name
59 PRVDR_LCTN_CD Provider Location Code
60 BRDR_STATE_IND Border State Indicator
61 IP_MH_TXNMY_IND Mental Health Provider Taxonomy Indicator
62 IP_SUD_TXNMY_IND Substance Use Disorder Provider Taxonomy Indicator
63 FIXD_PYMT_IND Fixed Payment Indicator
64 SRVC_TRKNG_PYMT_AMT Service Tracking Payment Amount
65 PYMT_LVL_IND Payment Level Indicator - Header or Line
66 CPTATD_PYMT_BILLED_AMT Capitated Payment Billed Amount
67 CPTATD_PYMT_BILLED_DT Capitated Payment Billed Date
68 BILLED_AMT Total Claim Billed Amount
69 MDCD_ALOWD_AMT Total Medicaid Allowed Amount
70 MDCD_PD_AMT Total Amount Paid By Medicaid
71 DAILY_RATE Daily Rate that a Policy will Pay for a Covered Service
72 MDCD_COPAY_AMT Total Copay Amount Paid by Beneficiary
73 MDCR_DDCTBL_PD_AMT Total Medicare Deductible Amount
74 MDCR_COINSRNC_PD_AMT Total Medicare Coinsurance Amount
75 MDCR_CMBND_DDCTBL_IND Medicare Combined Deductible and Coinsurance Indicator
76 MDCR_REIMBRSMT_TYPE_CD Medicare Reimbursement Type Code
77 COINSRNC_AMT Beneficiary Coinsurance Amount
78 COINSRNC_PD_DT Beneficiary Coinsurance Paid Date
79 COPAY_AMT Beneficiary Copayment Amount
80 COPAY_PD_DT Beneficiary Copayment Paid Date
81 DDCTBL_AMT Beneficiary Deductible Amount
82 DDCTBL_PD_DT Beneficiary Deductible Paid Date
83 COPAY_WVD_IND Indicator Signifying Copay was Waived by Provider
84 TP_PD_AMT Total Third Party Liability Paid Amount
85 TP_COINSRNC_PD_AMT Third Party Coinsurance Paid Amount
86 TP_COPAY_PD_AMT Third Party Copayment Paid Amount
87 OTHR_INSRNC_PD_AMT Total Other Than Medicare or Medicaid -Insurance Paid Amount
88 OTHR_TP_CLCTN_CD Other Third Party Collection Code
89 FUNDNG_CD Code To Indicate Source of Non-Federal Funding
90 FUNDNG_SRC_NON_FED_SHR_CD Funding Source Non-Federal Share Code
91 REMITTANCE_NUM Remittance Number
92 DA_RUN_ID TAF Production Run Identifier (unique for each TAF run)
93 TMSIS_RUN_ID TMSIS State Data Processing Run Identifier
94 OT_VRSN Other Services Version Representing the Iteration of the File
95 OT_FIL_DT Other Services File Date - Represents the Year and Month of the Reporting Period
96 CCW_LD_DT CCW Load Date (Claims)

Occurrence Code File

NumberSAS NameVariable Name
97 BENE_ID Encrypted CCW Beneficiary Identifier
98 MSIS_ID Encrypted State Assigned Beneficiary Unique Identifier
99 STATE_CD Submitting State Alpha Abbreviation
100 SUBMTG_STATE_CD Submitting State FIPS Code
101 CLM_ID CCW Claim Identifier
102 OCRNC_CD_SEQ  Occurrence Code Sequence
103 OCRNC_CD Occurrence Code
104 OCRNC_CD_START_DT Occurrence Code Start Date
105 OCRNC_CD_END_DT Occurrence Code End Date


NumberSAS NameVariable Name
1 BENE_ID Encrypted CCW Beneficiary Identifier
2 MSIS_ID Encrypted State Assigned Beneficiary Unique Identifier
3 STATE_CD Submitting State Alpha Abbreviation
4 SUBMTG_STATE_CD Submitting State FIPS Code
5 CLM_ID CCW Claim Identifier
6 LINE_NUM Sequential Claim Line Number
7 CLM_NUM_ORIG Original Claim Identifier
8 LINE_NUM_ORIG Original Claim Line Number (TAF)
9 CLM_NUM_ADJ Adjustment Claim Identifier
10 LINE_NUM_ADJ Adjustment Claim Line Number
11 ADJDCTN_DT Adjudication Date
12 LINE_CLAIM_STUS_CD Claim Line Status Code
13 LINE_ADJUST_CD Claim Line Adjustment Code
14 LINE_ADJUST_RSN_CD Claim Line Adjustment Reason Code
15 LINE_SRVC_BGN_DT Claim Line Beginning Date of Service
16 LINE_SRVC_END_DT Claim Line Ending Date of Service
17 BNFT_TYPE_CD Benefit Type Code
18 TOS_CD Type of Service Code
19 XIX_SRVC_CTGRY_CD CMS-64 Form Category of Service for the Paid Claim
20 XXI_SRVC_CTGRY_CD CMS-21 Form Category of Service for the Paid Claim
21 CMS_64_FED_CTGRY_CD CMS-64 Form Code for Federal Reimbursement
22 REV_CNTR_CD Revenue Center Code (TAF)
23 ACTL_SRVC_QTY Actual Service Quantity
24 ALOWD_SRVC_QTY Maximum Allowed Service Quantity
25 LINE_PRCDR_CD_DT Date Line Procedure Performed
26 LINE_PRCDR_CD Line Procedure Code
27 LINE_PRCDR_CD_SYS Line Procedure Code System/Nomenclature
28 LINE_PRCDR_MDFR_CD_1 Line Procedure Code Modifier Code 1
29 LINE_PRCDR_MDFR_CD_2 Line Procedure Code Modifier Code 2
30 LINE_PRCDR_MDFR_CD_3 Line Procedure Code Modifier Code 3
31 LINE_PRCDR_MDFR_CD_4 Line Procedure Code Modifier Code 4
32 LINE_PRCDR_CCS_CTGRY_CD Line Procedure AHRQ Clinical Classifications Software Refined (CCSR) Category Cd
33 NDC National Drug Code
34 NDC_UOM_CD NDC Unit of Measure Code
35 NDC_QTY NDC Quantity Dispensed
36 IMNZTN_TYPE_CD Immunization Type Code
37 SELF_DRCTN_TYPE_CD Beneficiary Service Self-Direction Type Code
38 PRE_AUTHRZTN_NUM Pre-Authorization Number
39 HCBS_SRVC_CD Home- and Community-Based Services Service Code
40 HCBS_TXNMY_CD Home- and Community-Based Services Taxonomy Code
41 TOOTH_DSGNTN_SYS Tooth Designation System/Nomenclature
42 TOOTH_NUM Tooth Number
43 TOOTH_ORAL_CVTY_AREA_DSGNTD_CD Tooth Oral Cavity Area Designated Code
44 TOOTH_SRFC_CD Tooth Surface Code
45 SRVC_PRVDR_ID Servicing Provider Identification Number (TAF)
46 SRVC_PRVDR_NPI Servicing Provider NPI
47 SRVC_PRVDR_TXNMY_CD Servicing Provider Taxonomy Code
48 SRVC_PRVDR_NPPES_TXNMY_CD Servicing Provider NPPES Taxonomy Code
49 SRVC_PRVDR_TYPE_CD Servicing Provider Type Code
50 SRVC_PRVDR_SPCLTY_CD Servicing Provider Specialty Code (TAF)
51 LINE_BILLED_AMT Line Billed Amount
52 LINE_MDCD_ALOWD_AMT Line Medicaid Allowed Amount
53 LINE_MDCD_PD_AMT Line Medicaid Paid Amount
54 LINE_MDCD_FFS_EQUIV_AMT Line Medicaid Fee For Service Equivalent Amount
55 LINE_MDCR_PD_AMT Line Medicare Paid Amount
56 LINE_COPAY_AMT Line Beneficiary Copayment Amount
57 LINE_TP_PD_AMT Line Third Party Liability Paid Amount
58 LINE_OTHR_INSRNC_PD_AMT Line Other Than Medicare or Medicaid -Insurance Paid Amount
59 OT_ACCMDTN_HCPCS_RATE Other Services Accommodation Rate
60 DA_RUN_ID TAF Production Run Identifier (unique for each TAF run)
61 TMSIS_RUN_ID TMSIS State Data Processing Run Identifier