For most files, a table of variables will display below, with links to the variable definitions. If no table displays, or if you need additional information for a specific variable, please see the CCW website. Data documentation is available for all files and codebooks for many.

If you are unable to locate the information you need, please contact ResDAC.

NumberSAS NameVariable Name
1 BENE_ID Encrypted CCW Beneficiary ID
3 ENRL_SRC Enrollment Source
4 AMI Acute Myocardial Infarction End-of-Year Indicator
5 AMI_MID Acute Myocardial Infarction Mid-Year Indicator
6 AMI_EVER Date that beneficiary first met claims criteria for the AMI indicator
7 ALZH Alzheimer's Disease End-of-Year Indicator
8 ALZH_MID Alzheimer's Disease Mid-Year Indicator
9 ALZH_EVER Date that beneficiary first met claims criteria for the Alzheimer’s disease indicator
10 ALZH_DEMEN Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders or Senile Dementia End-of-Year Indicator
11 ALZH_DEMEN_MID Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders or Senile Dementia Mid-Year Indicator
12 ALZH_DEMEN_EVER Date that beneficiary first met claims criteria for the Alzheimer's disease and related disorders or senile dementia indicator
13 ATRIAL_FIB Atrial Fibrillation End-of-Year Indicator
14 ATRIAL_FIB_MID Atrial Fibrillation Mid-Year Indicator
15 ATRIAL_FIB_EVER Date that beneficiary first met claims criteria for the atrial fibrillation indicator
16 CATARACT Cataract End-of-Year Indicator
17 CATARACT_MID Cataract Mid-Year Indicator
18 CATARACT_EVER Date that beneficiary first met claims criteria for the cataract indicator
19 CHRONICKIDNEY Chronic Kidney Disease End-of-Year Indicator
20 CHRONICKIDNEY_MID Chronic Kidney Disease Mid-Year Indicator
21 CHRONICKIDNEY_EVER Date that beneficiary first met claims criteria for the chronic kidney disease indicator
22 COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease End-of-Year Indicator
23 COPD_MID Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Mid-Year Indicator
24 COPD_EVER Date that beneficiary first met claims criteria for the COPD and bronchiectasis indicator
25 CHF Heart Failure End-of-Year Indicator
26 CHF_MID Heart Failure Mid-Year Indicator
27 CHF_EVER Date that beneficiary first met claims criteria for the congestive heart failure indicator
28 DIABETES Diabetes End-of-Year Indicator
29 DIABETES_MID Diabetes Mid-Year Indicator
30 DIABETES_EVER Date that beneficiary first met claims criteria for the diabetes indicator
31 GLAUCOMA Glaucoma End-of-Year Indicator
32 GLAUCOMA_MID Glaucoma Mid-Year Indicator
33 GLAUCOMA_EVER Date that beneficiary first met claims criteria for the glaucoma indicator
34 HIP_FRACTURE Hip/Pelvic Fracture End-of-Year Indicator
35 HIP_FRACTURE_MID Hip/Pelvic Fracture Mid-Year Indicator
36 HIP_FRACTURE_EVER Date that beneficiary first met claims criteria for the hip/pelvic fracture indicator
37 ISCHEMICHEART Ischemic Heart Disease End-of-Year Indicator
38 ISCHEMICHEART_MID Ischemic Heart Disease Mid-Year Indicator
39 ISCHEMICHEART_EVER Date that beneficiary first met claims criteria for the ischemic heart disease indicator
40 DEPRESSION Depression End-of-Year Indicator
41 DEPRESSION_MID Depression Mid-Year Indicator
42 DEPRESSION_EVER Date that beneficiary first met claims criteria for the depression indicator
43 OSTEOPOROSIS Osteoporosis End-of-Year Indicator
44 OSTEOPOROSIS_MID Osteoporosis Mid-Year Indicator
45 OSTEOPOROSIS_EVER Date that beneficiary first met claims criteria for the osteoporosis indicator
46 RA_OA Rheumatoid Arthritis / Osteoarthritis End-of-Year Indicator
47 RA_OA_MID Rheumatoid Arthritis / Osteoarthritis Mid-Year Indicator
48 RA_OA_EVER Date that beneficiary first met claims criteria for the rheumatoid arthritis/osteoarthritis indicator
49 STROKE_TIA Stroke / Transient Ischemic Attack End-of-Year Indicator
50 STROKE_TIA_MID Stroke / Transient Ischemic Attack Mid-Year Indicator
51 STROKE_TIA_EVER Date that beneficiary first met claims criteria for the stroke indicator
52 CANCER_BREAST Breast Cancer End-of-Year Indicator
53 CANCER_BREAST_MID Breast Cancer Mid-Year Indicator
54 CANCER_BREAST_EVER Date that beneficiary first met claims criteria for female/male breast cancer indicator
55 CNCRCLRC Colorectal Cancer End-of-Year Indicator
56 CANCER_COLORECTAL_MID Colorectal Cancer Mid-Year Indicator
57 CANCER_COLORECTAL_EVER Date that beneficiary first met claims criteria for the colorectal cancer indicator
58 CANCER_PROSTATE Prostate Cancer End-of-Year Indicator
59 CANCER_PROSTATE_MID Prostate Cancer Mid-Year Indicator
60 CANCER_PROSTATE_EVER Date that beneficiary first met claims criteria for the prostate cancer indicator
61 CANCER_LUNG Lung Cancer End-of-Year Indicator
62 CANCER_LUNG_MID Lung Cancer Mid-Year Indicator
63 CANCER_LUNG_EVER Date that beneficiary first met claims criteria for the lung cancer indicator
64 CANCER_ENDOMETRIAL Endometrial Cancer End-of-Year Indicator
65 CANCER_ENDOMETRIAL_MID Endometrial Cancer Mid-Year Indicator
66 CANCER_ENDOMETRIAL_EVER Date that beneficiary first met claims criteria for the endometrial cancer indicator
67 ANEMIA Anemia End Year Indicator
68 ANEMIA_MID Anemia Mid-Year Indicator
69 ANEMIA_EVER Date that beneficiary first met claims criteria for the anemia indicator
70 ASTHMA Asthma End Year Indicator
71 ASTHMA_MID Asthma Mid-Year Indicator
72 ASTHMA_EVER Date that beneficiary first met claims criteria for the asthma indicator
73 HYPERL Hyperlipidemia End Year Indicator
74 HYPERL_MID Hyperlipidemia Mid-Year Indicator
75 HYPERL_EVER Date that beneficiary first met claims criteria for the hyperlipidemia indicator
76 HYPERP Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia End Year Indicator
77 HYPERP_MID Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Mid-Year Indicator
78 HYPERP_EVER Date that beneficiary first met claims criteria for the benign prostatic hyperplasia indicator
79 HYPERT Hypertension End Year Indicator
80 HYPERT_MID Hypertension Mid-Year Indicator
81 HYPERT_EVER Date that beneficiary first met claims criteria for the hypertension indicator
82 HYPOTH Acquired Hypothyroidism End Year Indicator
83 HYPOTH_MID Acquired Hypothyroidism Mid-Year Indicator
84 HYPOTH_EVER Date that beneficiary first met claims criteria for the acquired hypothyroidism indicator