MAX Personal Summary File

Medicaid MAX (Medicaid Analytic Extract) Personal Summary (PS) file contains one record for every individual eligible for and enrolled in Medicaid for at least one month or who had a Medicaid-paid service within the file year.

What does this file include? (variable highlights)

  • Bene_ID (links to all other CMS Research Identifiable Files (RIF))
  • State, county, zip code
  • Date of birth, gender, race
  • Eligibility category
  • Dual Medicare-Medicaid eligibility
  • Medicaid managed care enrollment
  • Summary utilization, Medicaid payments

Availability of this file

CY 1999-2015

For calendar years 2014 and 2015, the CMS Medicaid research files will be in either the MAX or TAF format depending on when the state transitioned to T-MSIS data submissions.

MAX files in 2013, 2014, and 2015, while in the MAX file format, may have used T-MSIS data as the source data. Please see the state and year availability table: 

See what is in this file